Written Word



HistoryHistory  An invisible canvasstretched outlike a blanketover everythingand everybody and as it fellI heard the earth saywith the turning of a page and so it wasand so I amforever changed.  W. Isaiah Garnett2020 Image credit: title page for Guicciardini M....

The Road Not Taken

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;   Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim,...

Wood to flesh

Wood to flesh

Wood to Fleshwoodto fleshrough& splintersbreakingskin to bloodstainingwoodwith lifefor ourlife to bemore thana login the eye& a thornin thefleshStephen R. Clark - The Godtouch: Poetry

do you see this?

do you see this?

do you see this? my book list keeps on growing recommended reading knowing not everyone will open up a page. but maybe a few stories can help them see the glories and heal some of their deep and inner rage.  my song selection widens as at times i’m just abiding during...

Spoken Word

breakfast percussion

breakfast percussion

the early morning sounds
of a spoon grabbing bites
of cereal in rhythm,
like a daily habit
on time
in place
where the taste and nourishment
aren’t all there, is here.

News & Resources

News May 2020

News May 2020

News May 2020The Poetry Network is now accepting submissions. We accept poetry in all forms and formats: free verse, formal verse, experimental poetry, text-based, video, and podcasts. We're seeking original poetry that pays attention to form, rhythm, and imagery from...